BBa_M31511BBa_M31511 Version 1 (Component)HpaI to BamHI section of M13K07 genome - refactor
BBa_M31103BBa_M31103 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31105BBa_M31105 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31107BBa_M31107 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31126BBa_M31126 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31127BBa_M31127 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31108BBa_M31108 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP
BBa_M31109BBa_M31109 Version 1 (Component)Produces Beta-carotene from the biochemical input GGPP